BSc(Hons), BAcC, GradDip ION, mMLDUK, mNNA mIFM
Lic. Acupuncturist
Lymphatic Drainage Therapist
Registered Nutritionist and
Functional Medicine Practitioner
For the past 14 years of my clinical practice, I have been on a mission to empower both women and men to achieve their optimal health goals through natural medicine, nutrition and lifestyle management.
My immense passion for learning had sparked an insatiable curiosity about the power of holistic health and natural healing, leading me to delve into the depts of Chinese Medicine, energy healing, nutrition, and Functional Medicine. Through my studies, I have discovered that the wisdom of Chinese Medicine offers a holistic approach to health, emphasizing the importance of smooth flow of vital energy, Qi that is the basis of health, longevity and harmony within the body. I have learned that nutrition plays a fundamental role in nourishing and supporting our physical and mental health, and that functional medicine provides a personalized approach to identifying and addressing the root cause of the disease. As I continue to explore the intricate connections of body, mind and spirit, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the opportunities given to me to contribute to health and well-being of others.
I am certified ACUPUNCTURIST and MANUAL LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE Therapist (Dr. Vodder method). I have my online clinic at home where I provide NUTRITION & FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE consultations.
- I specialise in women health including Fertility, Pregnancy, Menopause, gut health, and metabolic& and neurological conditions.
- When needed, I combine acupuncture with Nutrition & Functional Medicine in fertility treatments.
- I use red light therapy in conjunction with acupuncture needles in facial acupuncture treatments
- I use Yamamoto scalp acupuncture method for my clients with neurological conditions.
- When needed, I combine acupuncture with manual lymphatic drainage for clients with post-viral fatigue, menopause, pregnancy, brain fogginess, chronic sinusitis etc
- Additionally, I provide lymphatic drainage with deep oscillation therapy for people with different type of health conditions including lymphoedema, lipoedema, fibromyalgia, pre and post cosmetic surgeries, orthopaedic surgeries, etc
- I provide full support to oncology patients with acupuncture and lymphatic drainage treatments
- SIBO Mastery Program, Dr Nirala Jacobi 2024 - Lifecode Gx Nervous system Master Course, 2024 - Endocrinology seminar with Dr Eric Dorninger, 2024 - Lymph taping @ scar healing course, Ireland MLD association, 2024 - Lifecode Gx Nutrigenomix Practitioner Programe, 2023 - Lifecode Gx Metabolics & Longevity Course, 2023 - Menopause Masterclass, Pure Encapsulation, 2022 2012 -2020 - Chinese Acupuncture training at TCM University Hospital, Shenyang China - Dr Tan Balancing Acupuncture course, London and New York - Dr Tung Acupuncture course, Paris - Fertility Source with E. Cannon and G. Maciocia - Yamamoto Scalp Acupuncture Course with D Bomzon, Amsterdam |
I holds professional liability insurance with Lockton Companies LLP. I am a member of British Acupuncture Council (BAcC), Naturopathic Nutrition Association (NNA), MLDUK and Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM), and bound by a strict code of professional conduct, ethics and safe practice.
I holds professional liability insurance with Lockton Companies LLP. I am a member of British Acupuncture Council (BAcC), Naturopathic Nutrition Association (NNA), MLDUK and Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM), and bound by a strict code of professional conduct, ethics and safe practice.