Boost Your Fertility with Acupuncture and Photobiomodulation Therapy.
A number of studies have shown that red and near-infrared light therapy may significantly boost pregnancy rates in females and males, who have been unsuccessfully trying to conceive naturally or with assisted reproduction treatment such as IVF. Photobiomodulation therapy is a form of light therapy aimed at biostimulating cells and tissues. It activates anti-inflammatory cytokine pathways and the down regulation of pro inflammatory mediators, resulting in reduction of inflammation.
Aging is associated with a decrease of mitochondria function especially in mature oocytes, what is considered the basis of declining rates in female fertility. Several studies have repeatedly shown the benefits of red light therapy for ovarian rejuvenation in older age females:
- enhances mitochondrial activity and ATP production, collectively increasing cellular proliferation and resulting in healthy cells
- increases angiogenesis by enhancing the oxygenated blood flow to ovaries, which would enhance the quality of eggs
- improves functionality in the scar and surrounding tissues, and creating movement between layers of the skin, facia, and abdominal muscles
- improves follicular health, which are highly vulnerable to oxidative stress.
The quality of the eggs and sperm depend on the energy being produced by the mitochondria in the cells. Red light therapy works to enhance mitochondrial energy production in essentially every type of cell in the body. Thus, acupuncture with red light therapy is highly recommended for fertility treatments, both males and females.
A number of studies have shown that red and near-infrared light therapy may significantly boost pregnancy rates in females and males, who have been unsuccessfully trying to conceive naturally or with assisted reproduction treatment such as IVF. Photobiomodulation therapy is a form of light therapy aimed at biostimulating cells and tissues. It activates anti-inflammatory cytokine pathways and the down regulation of pro inflammatory mediators, resulting in reduction of inflammation.
Aging is associated with a decrease of mitochondria function especially in mature oocytes, what is considered the basis of declining rates in female fertility. Several studies have repeatedly shown the benefits of red light therapy for ovarian rejuvenation in older age females:
- enhances mitochondrial activity and ATP production, collectively increasing cellular proliferation and resulting in healthy cells
- increases angiogenesis by enhancing the oxygenated blood flow to ovaries, which would enhance the quality of eggs
- improves functionality in the scar and surrounding tissues, and creating movement between layers of the skin, facia, and abdominal muscles
- improves follicular health, which are highly vulnerable to oxidative stress.
The quality of the eggs and sperm depend on the energy being produced by the mitochondria in the cells. Red light therapy works to enhance mitochondrial energy production in essentially every type of cell in the body. Thus, acupuncture with red light therapy is highly recommended for fertility treatments, both males and females.
The Efficacy of Multiwavelength Red and Near-Infrared Transdermal Photobiomodulation Light Therapy in Enhancing Female Fertility Outcomes and Improving Reproductive Health: A Prospective Case Series with 9-Month Follow-Up (
Female Infertility: combining photobiostimulation therapy with Acupuncture you will get maximum benefits and increase the fertility in number of ways by:
- Improving the function of ovaries to produce better quality eggs. - Regulating the hormones to produce a larger number of follicles - Increasing blood flow to the uterus and increase the thickness of the uterine lining - Promoting biogenesis and hormonal balance - Lessening the side effects of Western drugs used in IVF - Strengthening the immune system - Reducing anxiety and stress - Reducing chances of miscarriage |
Male Infertility: combining photobiostimulation therapy with Acupuncture you will get maximum benefits and increase the fertility in number of ways by:
-Improving sperm motility and mobility by improving ATP production in spermatozoa -Improving defective sperm function - Improving process of sperm maturation by reducing inflammation, oxidative stress and DNA damage - Strengthening the immune system - Reducing anxiety and stress |