Acupuncture, as the most common method of traditional Chinese medicine in physical intervention, has been widely used for the control of chronic pain. Although the exact analgesic mechanism is uncertain, it is speculated that the analgesic effect of acupuncture may be mediated by the release of opioid peptides and serotonin.
A recent systematic reviews and meta-analysis demonstrated that acupuncture can help relieve some of the symptoms of cancer and side effects of cancer treatment. There is additional evidence suggesting that acupuncture has a role in the supportive care of patients with cancer by relieving chemotherapy-induced or radiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, fatigue, peripheral neuropathy, dry throat, insomnia, and leucopenia. This has been recommended in Clinical Practice Guideline through expert groups in oncology.
Having acupuncture for cancer care is increasingly supported by scientific trials and research, which you can read about here.
Acupuncture is a highly researched and well-supported treatment for the side effects of conventional cancer treatments, and can significantly improve quality of life.