Acupuncture and cupping have been with us since ancient times, and currently they both are used in the treatment of a broad range of medical conditions. Here is the science behind and complete reviews of the current scientific literature why many people including Olympic athletes and famous celebrities are choosing to be treated with cupping and acupuncture. Acupuncture regulates the energy flow along the body meridians, while cupping increases blood and lymph flow expelling all unwanted stagnations and toxins, accumulated over the long period of life not only in our bodies, but in our minds and thoughts also. Combined, these two powerful therapies help banish the pain, boost immunity, ease digestive issues, release stress, reduce inflammation and promote detoxification, provide anti-aging effect, and many more.
There are few reasons why you should introduce cupping together with acupuncture into your life:
1. PAIN RELIEF. Many converging evidences reveal that cupping and acupuncture can induce comfort and relaxation on a systemic level, resulting the increase in endogenous opioid endorphin production in the brain thus leading to improved pain. If pain is from trauma or an injury, the heat and pressure from cupping brings energy and fluids to the affected area, thus reducing the pain and enhancing the healing process.
2. STRESS RELIEVE and RELAXATION. Acupuncture effects the level of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine in the limbic system, which consists of a group of brain structures including the hippocampus, amygdale, and hypothalamus which are directly related to emotional behaviour, response to stress and appetite. Cupping is incredibly relaxing as it gets to the deepest tissues in your body.
3. DIGESTIVE DISORDERS. Anyone who suffers from IBS, constipation, ulcers often recognise that the time of flare-ups is almost always the stress or diet related. Many research concluded that regular acupuncture treatments have significant effect on gut bacteria’s and decrease visceral sensitivity because of the decreased hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing hormone in the brains. Cupping supports the digestive system by detoxification improved peristalsis and reduced water retention.
4. IMMUNE SYSTEM. Are you prone to colds, coughs or allergies? A great immunity booster, cupping, pushes blood and lymphatic fluids through the entire body and stimulate Lungs to expel any phlegm. Recent research studies have shown that acupuncture helps the brain increase the body’s level of T-cells, the cells which destroy bacteria and harmful viruses in the body. It is thought that acupuncture does this by provoking the body’s immune response through the use of the needles. It also acts on a complex immune building system that regulates white blood cells directly linked to the fight against infections and allergic reactions.
Don’t wait until you are sick and begin regular immune-boosting ACUPUNCTURE and CUPPING treatments. Optimally, several acupuncture treatments are needed for the body to respond and get the most benefits before cold and flu season starts.
5. INFLAMMATION. Chronic inflammation is involved in a variety of disease processes. Inflammation is part of the body’s natural response to injuries or stress, but if the condition persists it can lead to further damage and cause number of diseases including major depression, cancer, psoriasis, Alzheimer’s disease, IBS, rheumatoid arthritis and many others. Scientists demonstrate that acupuncture produces biological responses that are both anti-inflammatory and analgesic. By stimulating certain acupuncture points adrenal glands release the anti-inflammatory neurotransmitter dopamine thus reducing inflammation.
6. DETOXIFICATION OF THE BODY TEMPLE. It is not a secret that toxins are the root cause of all diseases. The body is in serious need of a regular detoxification to reduce damage to the immune system, metabolism and for the prevention of diseases. A good cleanse maintains good health and promotes the body’s natural healing from illnesses. Acupuncture and cupping purifies the skin and blood, and eliminates any extraneous particles and toxins found in the lymphatic fluids. Cupping Therapy helps to improve skin’s respiration and permits the exchanges of gases of the skin cells. After the few treatments body will work better at producing energy and eliminating waste, the skin colour will look better and body will have adequate movement and flow.
If you’ve never tried acupuncture or cupping therapy, try it at least once, to see if it’s for you. Just a few treatments will make you feel healthier and bring the balance and content to your body and mind.
There are few reasons why you should introduce cupping together with acupuncture into your life:
1. PAIN RELIEF. Many converging evidences reveal that cupping and acupuncture can induce comfort and relaxation on a systemic level, resulting the increase in endogenous opioid endorphin production in the brain thus leading to improved pain. If pain is from trauma or an injury, the heat and pressure from cupping brings energy and fluids to the affected area, thus reducing the pain and enhancing the healing process.
2. STRESS RELIEVE and RELAXATION. Acupuncture effects the level of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine in the limbic system, which consists of a group of brain structures including the hippocampus, amygdale, and hypothalamus which are directly related to emotional behaviour, response to stress and appetite. Cupping is incredibly relaxing as it gets to the deepest tissues in your body.
3. DIGESTIVE DISORDERS. Anyone who suffers from IBS, constipation, ulcers often recognise that the time of flare-ups is almost always the stress or diet related. Many research concluded that regular acupuncture treatments have significant effect on gut bacteria’s and decrease visceral sensitivity because of the decreased hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing hormone in the brains. Cupping supports the digestive system by detoxification improved peristalsis and reduced water retention.
4. IMMUNE SYSTEM. Are you prone to colds, coughs or allergies? A great immunity booster, cupping, pushes blood and lymphatic fluids through the entire body and stimulate Lungs to expel any phlegm. Recent research studies have shown that acupuncture helps the brain increase the body’s level of T-cells, the cells which destroy bacteria and harmful viruses in the body. It is thought that acupuncture does this by provoking the body’s immune response through the use of the needles. It also acts on a complex immune building system that regulates white blood cells directly linked to the fight against infections and allergic reactions.
Don’t wait until you are sick and begin regular immune-boosting ACUPUNCTURE and CUPPING treatments. Optimally, several acupuncture treatments are needed for the body to respond and get the most benefits before cold and flu season starts.
5. INFLAMMATION. Chronic inflammation is involved in a variety of disease processes. Inflammation is part of the body’s natural response to injuries or stress, but if the condition persists it can lead to further damage and cause number of diseases including major depression, cancer, psoriasis, Alzheimer’s disease, IBS, rheumatoid arthritis and many others. Scientists demonstrate that acupuncture produces biological responses that are both anti-inflammatory and analgesic. By stimulating certain acupuncture points adrenal glands release the anti-inflammatory neurotransmitter dopamine thus reducing inflammation.
6. DETOXIFICATION OF THE BODY TEMPLE. It is not a secret that toxins are the root cause of all diseases. The body is in serious need of a regular detoxification to reduce damage to the immune system, metabolism and for the prevention of diseases. A good cleanse maintains good health and promotes the body’s natural healing from illnesses. Acupuncture and cupping purifies the skin and blood, and eliminates any extraneous particles and toxins found in the lymphatic fluids. Cupping Therapy helps to improve skin’s respiration and permits the exchanges of gases of the skin cells. After the few treatments body will work better at producing energy and eliminating waste, the skin colour will look better and body will have adequate movement and flow.
If you’ve never tried acupuncture or cupping therapy, try it at least once, to see if it’s for you. Just a few treatments will make you feel healthier and bring the balance and content to your body and mind.