14 Things Acupuncture Can Help You Achieve in 2014
1.Less stress Chinese Acupuncture is well known for its ability to lower stress. It takes the edge off by removing you from the perpetual state of sympathetic dominance in which so many of us find ourselves. By mellowing out the nervous system, acupuncture will help you feel less affected by stress and handle stressful situations in different ways. Previous research has shown that acupuncture can induce a relaxation response, which decreases the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, increases energy and tissue regeneration, and reduces stress. With relaxation the digestion improves and headaches are relieved. Studies have shown that the substances released in the body as a result of acupuncture relax the body, and also regulate serotonin in the brain, which affects emotional states. Stressful situation at work, family problems, "modern" lifestyle puts us under the stress every day now. People under chronic stress don’t handle acute stress very well. In chronic stress, the cortisol levels are elevated and never come back down to baseline, so people end up with insomnia or depressed or anxious because of the constant ramping up of this system. Regular acupuncture treatments are fantastic for keeping stress in check and increasing the ability to cope with the negative aspects of life and make necessary changes. 2/14. Stronger immune system Acupuncture strengthens natural resistance to disease by bolstering your reserve and equipping you to fight off pathogens. Scientific research shows that acupuncture increases the white blood cells in the body and moderates the immune system allowing it to react swiftly and strongly to threats. Acupuncture strengthens the defensive - immune system so that you can avoid illness rather than dealing with it after it happens. Prevention is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine ideology. The body’s balance between yin and yang is important to keep the immune system functioning properly. If yin and yang are balanced, vital energy is strong and bacteria and viruses won’t attack the body, the immune system is able to fight disease Lung, kidneys and liver being balanced and functioning well is very important for the immune system In Chinese Medicine theory the first line of defence is the wei qi. This is qi energy that circulates just beneath the skin and regulates sweating and immunity. It is dependent on lung function and controls the opening of pores on the skin. If lungs are strong, it keeps pores closed preventing disease factors getting into our bodies. Traditional Chinese medicine considers that the kidneys store the original vital energy and essence from parents. As other organs need support from kidney energy, thus kidney are considered the source of body’s immune system. Chronic diseases, ageing, physical and mental overwork weaken Kidneys and simultaneously weaken body's immune system. The liver is also an important organ which is associated with the immune system. Because the liver dominates emotions, long standing stress, anxiety or depression will affect liver function and will also bring the immune system down. Thus it is easy for people with high levels of stress to catch a cold or flu. Strengthening liver function will help to reduce the stress together with boosting the immune system. Regular monthly acupuncture sessions support and strengthen immunity, help improve circulation, metabolism and digestive system. 3/14. Self-awareness and Mindfulness “Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally.” Jon Kabat-Zinn’s. Mindfulness involves a conscious direction of our awareness. But what does it means to be aware in every day life? Imagine how would be hard to play the piano if you can’t hear the music. Or, try to stand on one foot with the eyes closed - it is difficult. Awareness can be defined a form of self education: reliance on yourself, teaching yourself to maintain alertness at all times in order to assimilate and derive global understanding of all events around. Awareness, as a tool of self-healing, is also the most powerful aspect in your personal defence against disease. The benefits of acupuncture for pain relief and treatment of other conditions have been well documented, as well as challenged by naysayers. The relaxation, calmness, "mindlessness" in a good way - the state without thoughts or words floating into consciousness can be experienced during acupuncture treatment. Some people experience extremes of emotion during acupuncture, even burst into laughter or tears that bear no relation to their conscious thoughts. This is rear, but might happen. The feelings or state like this can arouse because acupuncture needles unblock the flow of a life force known as Qi along pathways - meridians in the body. When Qi in the body is blocked, it can not reached the head to clear the mind. Thus to reach awareness is difficult even after long time of meditation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) suggests that acupuncture activates and deactivates structures of the brain involved in decision making, regulating emotions, perception, self-awareness, and attention. Acupuncture broadens your awareness of the things that can potentially influence not only your physical and emotional health but also your whole life.
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